Human Resources Policy


The employees are considered the most valuable resources of the Company.

The Company’s goal is to have an organization qualified to execute the Company’s Strategy in order to deliver high quality services to its customers.


The Company shall:

  • Have a high focus on retaining, developing and recruiting employees
  • Develop the organization through organic growth
  • Have a dynamic apprentice program through the availability of a wide range of trainee/cadet positions
  • Encourage to and render possible career opportunities within the organization including relevant education
  • Ensure job introductions and familiarization programs of highest quality
  • Ensure employee’s responsibility and authority are clearly described through organizational structures and job descriptions
  • Ensure high quality Leadership in all levels of the organization
  • Supports competence development through a combination of formal training, on the job training and own initiative
  • Ensure that employees personnel information are protected and safeguarded in accordance with applicable regulations