Articles of Association

Eidesvik Offshore ASA, May 31, 2023

(Translation for information purposes only)

Enterprise no: 986 942 785


§1   Company

The Company’s name is Eidesvik Offshore ASA.  The Company is a public limited company.

§2   Registered office

The Company’s registered office is in the municipality of Bømlo. The Board of Directors can determine whether the Annual General Meeting is to be held in Haugesund or in Oslo.

§3   Business objective

The Company’s business objective is to operate shipping enterprises and any other associated business, including the ownership of shares and stakes in companies that operate corresponding or related enterprises.

§4   Share Capital

The Company’s share capital is NOK 3,649,166.65 divided between 72,983,333 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 0.05. The Company’s shares are to be registered in the Norwegian Registry of Securities.

§5   Board of Directors

The Board of Directors must consist of between three and eight members as decided by the General Meeting, whereof one of the Board Members are chosen by the employees in the Group. Deputy Board Members can be elected to the Board of Directors. The Company’s authorized signature is held jointly by two directors of the Board.

The Company shall have a Nomination Committee with three to five members as decided by the General Meeting. The Nomination Committee shall make proposals for election of Board Members and members of the Nomination Committee. The General Meeting may adopt guidelines for the Nomination Committee.

§6   General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting shall address and determine the following matters:

1.  Adoption of the Annual Accounts and the Director’s report, including the distribution of dividend.

2.  Other matters which, pursuant to statutory provisions or the articles of association, are the business of the general meeting.

The Board may decide that documents pertaining to matters to be addressed at the general meeting, may not be sent to the shareholders when the documents are published on the Company’s website. This also applies to documents that by law are to be enclosed to or included in the notification of the general meeting. A shareholder may still request that documents pertaining to matters to be addressed at the annual general meeting shall be sent in the regular manner.

The Board of Directors may decide that shareholders who wishes to attend the general meeting must provide a notification to the company. Such notification must be received by the company no later than two business days prior to the general meeting, unless the board, prior to sending the notice of the general meeting, determine a later date for the notification.

§7   Share legislation

Otherwise, reference is made to current applicable share legislation.

May 31, 2023